Sight is a sense that we all value very much and, for this reason, it is very important to enjoy good visual health. But many times we are not as aware as we should be about eye care. If you want to know what you can do about it, here we are going to give you 10 tips to take care of your visual health in the best way.
Prevention comes first
And with this, we mean that, even if there are no noticeable symptoms, it is always advisable to make an annual vision to make sure everything is fine. Of course, in the case of feeling discomfort, redness, tiredness, etc.. it is also advisable to go for a check-up.
Food is important for your eyesight
A diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help you take care of your visual health. Although carrots are famous, green foods – such as broccoli, courgettes or peas – are the richest in lutein and zeaxanthin, essential nutrients for eye health. It’s also good to eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and green tea is one of the best drinks to help your eyes fight macular degeneration and cataracts.
Eyeglass Care and Maintenance
If you wear glasses, it’s very important that you pay attention to the condition of your lenses and frame. Even if they’re consistently designed, if the frame is loose and doesn’t fit properly, it can cause you to strain your eyes.
The same goes for glasses, if they’re not in good condition. To clean them, it is best to do it in a proper way, and with optical products, avoiding as much as possible home cleaning methods, which can end up ruining the lenses, and never dry clean them to prevent dust particles end up scratching the lens.
Extreme hygiene when wearing contact lenses
The eyes are very delicate organs. That’s why contact lenses have to be cared for and cleaned with extreme neatness. Always follow the steps indicated by your optician, clean them with a suitable product and try to give your eyes a rest for a few hours a day and at least one day a week. Never bathe in contact lenses or wet them with water and avoid sleeping with them (if they are not intended for this purpose).
Sunglasses are essential
Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause serious visual disturbances. It is important that you wear these glasses whenever you are exposed to sunlight, and not only during the summer months, but throughout the year.

Remember that they are also essential if you are going to play outdoor sports and when you are driving. And, above all, buy them in an optician’s shop, to make sure they have the right protection so as not to put your visual health at risk.
Watch the distance and light when looking at screens
The use of computers at work and, at the same time, the use of mobile devices such as telephones and tablets at any time of the day is becoming increasingly common. To avoid eyestrain and eyestrain, it is advisable to maintain a wide distance from the screens.
In the case of computers, it would be advisable to be at least 50 centimetres from the screen. It is also advisable not to use any of these devices in the dark, as the light on the screen, together with the darkness of the environment, can cause eye fatigue and graduation problems.
Don’t let your eyes dry
Eyes, like skin, need moisture. This is more critical when you have sensitive eyes, so try to moisturize them. If you have dry eyes, it’s a good idea to have artificial tears on hand to help your eyes maintain the necessary moisture.
Protect your eyes even in the most everyday actions
Eyes are more sensitive than you think, and even the most innocent actions can be damaged. There are certain jobs in which it is normal to wear protective glasses, but there are also other tasks, such as cleaning, caring for the garden or applying make-up, which can cause impurities to enter the eyes and, in the most extreme cases, cause infections.
The older the child, the more prevention
With the passage of time, the eyes are more prone to suffer other visual diseases, so the revisions become increasingly important. This increases in the case of people with a tendency to suffer from diseases such as diabetes, cholesterol or hypertension.
Eyes need rest
Even if you’re not working, your eyes do it all the time. Whether you’re in front of a computer screen, reading a book or forcing your gaze by manipulating small objects, it’s important to pause.
Every time you feel tired (or every twenty minutes, for example), try looking at the horizon without focusing at all, or close your eyes without squeezing your eyelids, so that they get some rest. These small actions, quick and simple, will relax you, and your eyes will thank you.